
As I'd like to be able to build my own SQLite DLL for use with Visual Basic Classic, I followed Todd Tanner's instructions at www.tannertech.net/sqlite3vb/ to make the (few) required changes and compile with Visual C++ 6.0.

As a test, after just making those changes in the amalgamated files, I get an error:

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <oleauto.h>
#include <wtypes.h>

//sqlite_int64 sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3*);
sqlite_int64 __stdcall sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3 *);

//sqlite_int64 sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3*);
sqlite_int64 __stdcall sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3*);

=> sqlite3_last_insert_rowid,
error C2152: 'initializing' : pointers to functions with different attributes

Is it a configuration issue? Actually, I didn't find where in VC++ 6.0 to put the reference to the .DEF file (nothing that looks like Module Definiont File under Linker.)

Thanks for any tip

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