John Stanton a écrit :
Alain Bertrand wrote:

In a Qt4 application, I have the following bit of code :

  QString s;
     bool b;
     QSqlQuery q;
     QSqlError err;
     s= "CREATE TABLE ttd_bdata (sheetId integer primary key,";
     s+="creation_date date, modif_date date,";
     s+="speciesId integer,USDA_zone integer,";
     s+="generalities text,propagation text,care text,";
     s+="esthetics text, phyto text,miscellaneous text)";
     //s="SELECT * FROM ttd_species WHERE speciesId=4";
     qWarning( s.toAscii() );
     b=q.exec( s );

Executing the query fails with the following information

SQL logic error or missing database
Unable to fetch row
Err number 1.

I have found the solution in the qt4 doc :
The driver is locked for updates while a select is executed. This may cause problems when using QSqlTableModel because Qt's item views fetch data as needed (with QSqlQuery::fetchMore() in the case of QSqlTableModel).

To avoid the problem, one may use the clear() method of the QSqlQuery.


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