<sreedhar.a-324/[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"create table Test(id integer primary key,player char);"
"insert into Test(id,player) values(2,'surya');"
"insert into Test(id,player) values(9223372036854775807,'sree');"
"insert into Test(id,player) values(9223372036854775808,'sree1');"
"select * from Test;"

The result is

-9223372036854775808    sree1
2                                    surya
9223372036854775807    sree

I tried inserting 2 power 63 value but the database has converted it
to -2 power 63 and stored.
Can anyone explain why this has happened.

SQLite stores ROWIDs as signed 64-bit integers. Such an integer can represent 2^64 distinct values, in the range [-2^63, 2^63-1]. 2^63 is not representable, it wraps around to -2^63.

Igor Tandetnik

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