Actually, it compiled, but it appears that I was not successful.  The compile I 
made did not work for what I wanted.  However, the DLL at the link you provided 
for me did work, so thanks for pointing that out.

Eric Pankoke
Founder / Lead Developer
Point Of Light Software

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Kees Nuyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thu, 20 Sep 2007 20:42:30 +0000, you wrote:
> > Where? is just an executable,
> > and the other zip for Windows is just the source. 
> > As it stands, however, I was able to recompile
> > the DLL after all and it didn't make a difference.
> Oh, sorry, I should have checked.
> The link isn't on the page anymore, but (as with many old
> versions) the download is still available: 
> I'm glad you managed to compile it by yourself.
> -- 
>   (  Kees Nuyt
>   )
> c[_]
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