sqlite3_open(dbname, &db);
  sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &pStat, 0);

   while(sqlite3_step(pStat) == SQLITE_ROW)
row = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(pStat, 0);
my_array[i] = malloc( sizeof row *  sizeof *my_array[i]);

memcpy (my_array[i], row, sizeof row * sizeof *my_array[i]);

sizeof(row) == sizeof(char*) == 4 (assuming a 32-bit system). In any case, sizeof(row) is completely unrelated to the length of the string 'row' might be pointing to. See sqlite3_column_bytes.

   printf ("%s\n",my_array[i]); // ok

Are you sure the output is correct here? It's only possible if your strings happen to be short enough to fit in 4 bytes.


for (i = 0; i<3; i++);{
printf ("%s\n", my_array[i]); //error

Remove the semicolon between the closing paren and the opening brace. Your code as written is equivalent to this:

for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
   // loop body is empty

// At this point, i == 3
printf ("%s\n", my_array[3]);  // index out of bounds

free (my_array);

You haven't allocated my_array with malloc, so you shouldn't deallocate it with free. Your program will likely crash on this statement.

You did allocate my_array[0], my_array[1] and my_array[2] with malloc, so you should deallocate these three pointers with free. Do you understand the difference?

With all due respect, I suggest you spend some time with your favorite C textbook. The problems in your code have very little to do with SQLite, and a lot to do with misusing C language.

Igor Tandetnik

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