On Nov 6, 2007 7:45 PM, John Firebaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Restrictions on the use of the same database connection by multiple
> threads have been dropped. It is now safe for multiple threads to use
> the same database connection at the same time." This suggests to me that
> operations that can be accomplished using per-thread database
> connections (e.g. a transaction on each thread) can now be accomplished
> with a single database connection.

You're confusing threads with the context of the connection. When you
call sqlite3_open() you get a single connection to a db. That
connection can then be used across threads, but it is for all intents
and purposes a single line of communication with a database (using it
twice at the same time doesn't somehow multiply that relationship).

> Obviously two threads can issue commands that change the database at the
> same time,

But not all actions can succeed at the same time. For example, two
threads trying to update the same record at the same time. One query
will likely result in SQLITE_BUSY (or similar).

----- stephan beal

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