This is a big improvement to the website. Keep up the great work on SQLite. Looking forward to 4.0
On Nov 13, 2007, at 7:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The new look for the SQLite website is now in place,
if you haven't already noticed:

Even though the new look is "in place" you should
understand this as a work in progress, not a done
deal.  I am still looking for suggestions, comments,
and bug reports.  I am particularly interested in
help in the following ways:

 *  Suggestions for something better to put on
    the home page.

 *  Suggestions for better CSS for the CVSTrac
    pages.  Example:
    If you can save off a copy of that page, adjust
    the CSS to make it look better, then send me
    your adjustments (or post them here) that would
    be a *big* help.

 *  Somebody please suggest a better tag line -
    something better than "The World's Most Widely
    Used SQL Database".

 *  Suggest changes that will provide a search
    bar in the upper right-hand corner.

Over the next couple of weeks we plan on adding
some additional pages to the site (mostly moving
over information currently in the wiki) and doing
additional reorganization and cleanup.  We also
plan to offer the documentation pages as a ZIP or
tarball download so that users can view them

The feedback from this mailing list has so far been
very helpful.  Please don't stop offering suggestions.

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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