Grzegorz Makarewicz wrote:
Michael Scharf wrote:
  *  Somebody please suggest a better tag line -      something
better than "The World's Most Widely
     Used SQL Database".
I really like this tag line! However, it would be great if
there would be a link with some information that supports/explains
this statement. Anybody could say "The World's Most XXX".
In my opinion threads are very usefully within limited environments
where computation can be spitted by program logic or environments where
forking isn't possible.
Most SQL engines (server part) are using this point of view, but for
databases like SQLite - this should be irrelevant.


    I - personally wouldn't see sqlite as client-server database -
oracle is much better, mssql too.
    Embedded database with acid transactions - this is the market gap.


We use Sqlite embedded in an application server as a client-server database and it performs very well and is rock solid. On a value basis it is markedly superior to both Oracle and MSsql. Sqlite wins in ease of use and maintenance, overhead, footprint and overall cost of usage making it a more productive tool.

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