hello mailing list

It is the first time I do something like this, so I hope I do it right :)

(the database can be downloaded, and the SQL can be cut/pasted - see bottom)

Here is the structure and the data:


Here is the SQL and result:


As you can see, the same color (the last one, emissive) will be the result for ALL colors. It seems as if your SQL-interpreter cannot handle multiple definitions of the same table (aliased with AS) in the FROM-clause?
IMO this SQL is fairly simple, and the database should be able to handle it

I have replicated the database in Access, and here it worked as it was supposed to, so the problem must be 100% within SQLite's domain.

Best regards

Rune Hjelm

PS: If you wanna test it yourself, you can download DB here:

This is the SQL in text:
SELECT terraintype.terrainsupertypeid,
      diffuse.r, diffuse.g, diffuse.b, diffuse.a,
      ambient.r, ambient.g, ambient.b, ambient.a,
      specular.r, specular.g, specular.b, specular.a,
      emissive.r, emissive.g, emissive.b, emissive.a,

FROM terraintype, material, color AS diffuse, color AS ambient, color AS specular, color AS emissive

WHERE terraintype.materialid=material.materialid
 AND material.diffuseid=diffuse.colorid
 AND material.ambientid=ambient.colorid
 AND material.specularid=specular.colorid
 AND material.emissiveid=emissive.colorid

 AND terrainsupertypeid=1

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