On 11/28/07, arbalest06 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ok..thanx for that..now if process A is writing into the database, and
> process B attempts to write, does sqlite take note of B's attempt and gives
> the permission to B when A is done? like would it be a queue that the first
> process that attempted to write should be given priority to write? or is it
> that when process A is done, then process C attempts to write, C is given
> the permission to write even though process B attempted to write first than
> C?

There's no queue.  When process B attempts to write, it will be
refused, and must try again later itself.  It controls if/when it does
so; SQLite doesn't force any particular behavior.  If process C tries
before B tries again, then C will get to write and B will have to wait

In API terms, an sqlite function will return SQLITE_BUSY if it can't
do what it needs to do right now.

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