cur.execute('SELECT string FROM test WHERE d >= date("now","+1 day")')

However, I'd like to make it flexible, so that a user can put in an
amount of days forward or backward and the query will use
that--basically I want the user to be able to select the date range
over the data in the table.  I tried something like:

amount = "1"  #just to try it, later this will refer to a user-chosen
cur.execute ('SELECT string FROM test WHERE d >= date("now", "+",?,"

But of course that's not right and it doesn't work.  What is the right
syntax in this case to use the ? to stand for the 1 in the original
"+1 day" portion?

I don't know Python well enough, but the SQL statement you want would look like this:

SELECT string FROM test WHERE d >= date('now', ? || ' days');

|| is the string concatenation operator in SQL.

Igor Tandetnik

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