Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I can imagine that a version of Sqlite which does not include its SQL 
> > compiler and which uses precompiled VDBE code would provide similar 
> > functionality to DeviceSQL, particularly if the Sqlite compiler were 
> > extended to generate VDBE from PL/SQl.  I can imagine that the higher 
> > information density of the VDBE code could deliver the advantage =of a 
> > smaller memory footprint.
> I thought that this already existed as a commercial product that Richard 
> offered, but I can't find any reference to it on the paid support page 
> at My recollection was 
> an offline compiler that ran on a PC and generated VDBE code to execute 
> SQL statements, along with source code for a runtime execution engine 
> that would execute those pre-compiled statements. The execution engine 
> could be built for any target, and was much smaller than SQLite because 
> it eliminated the parser and code generator functionality. Does this 
> exist, or was I just imagining it?

That would be the Serialized Statement Extension, SSE.
The SSE provides the programmer with two new APIs:

   int sqlite3_serialize(sqlite3_stmt*, void**, int*);
   int sqlite3_deserialize(sqlite3*, void*, int, sqlite3_stmt**);

The first routine takes an SQL statement that was generated by
sqlite3_prepare() and converts it into a form that can be stored
on disk or compiled into a program.  The second routine does the
reverse; it takes the serialization of a statement and converts it
back into a working SQL statement that can be used just like any
other statement created by sqlite3_prepare().

You compile SQLite normally on your development workstation, but
for you embedded target you add -DSQLITE_OMIT_PARSER to leave off
the parser.  By omitting other optional features (date/time functions,
views, triggers) you can get the size of the library down to the 70KiB
range or less.

On a workstation, you can sqlite3_prepare() statements, then hand
them to sqlite3_serialize().  The results can be hard coded into
C programs to be manually deserialized later, if you like, though
that is a lot of work.  A simpler approach is to use the special
sqlite_statement table:

   CREATE TABLE sqlite_statement(
      sql TEXT,
      serial BLOB

A new API is available that will automatically extract and deserialize
an SQL statement from the sqlite_statement table given its id number:

   int sqlite3_fetch_statement(sqlite3*, int id, sqlite3_stmt**);

The idea here is that the SQL statements needed by an application can
be inserted as plain text into the sqlite_statement table.   For

   INSERT INTO sqlite_statement(sql) VALUES('SELECT * FROM table1');

After many such statements are inserted, they can all be serialized
as follows:

   UPDATE sqlite_statement SET serial = sqlite_serialize(sql,id);

Then the complete database can be moved from the development platform
over to the embedded device and the embedded device can use the
sqlite3_fetch_statement() API to extract the statements it needs to

To be useful, your precompiled statements will normally contain
parameters (ex: "INSERT INTO tx VALUES(?,?,?)") and the embedded
application will using sqlite3_bind_xxx() interfaces to attach
values to these parameter prior to invoking sqlite3_step().

The SSE has not been kept current with the base SQLite.  But if there
is interest, we could resurrect it easily enough.

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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