Sqlite depends upon POSIX file locks. It is no better or no worse than the POSIX lock implementation on your platform.

We use Sqlite in a multi-user environment without dependency oin the POSIX locks by embedding it in a server using HTTP when it is on a remote machine. We get the small footprint and simoplicity of Sqlite and get no multi-user glitches regardless of platform.

Trilok Soni wrote:

I am evaluating SQLite for the design of the surveillance camera/DVR
product based on Linux, which stores its captured
analog/IP camera streams to the NAS storage device(s). To facilitate
faster search/scanning of those media files
containing many days of videos spread over multiple files, we plan to
keep the metadata of those videos
in some file format/database stored on NAS itself, so that
search/analysis mechanism just go through this
database to locate exact file with some search criteria like
time/data/camera/alarms/events etc.

While reading the SQLite documentation I came to following FAQ, where
it lists that SQLite as application file format,
may not scale well to the NFS/Neworked attached drives due to the
locking problems.

Refer 5th question.
(5) Can multiple applications or multiple instances of the same
application access a single database file at the same time?

Is there any other way to work around this problem and use SQLite as
application file format in the above scenario. See that Linux
will run on the ARM9 having video processing done on specialized DSP.

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