> >If they try to edit a column from the Role table how do I get to Role.Id?
> >If I can get Sqlite to tell me what it used to select the row in the result 
> >set
> >it would be much easier that the alternatives.
> You can always query the ROWIDs (as long as there is no GROUP
> BY), with something like:
> SELECT Role.ROWID,Role.*, User.Name
>   FROM Role
>   JOIN User ON User.RoleId = Role.Id
>  WHERE User.Id = 6
> Instead of the ROWID, you also could use the value of the
> PRIMARY KEY of the row in the resultset (Role.id ?), it probably
> already is available in Role.*.
> Iterate over the columns in the resultset and it should be
> there. But perhaps I didn't understand your question correctly?

Thanks :)
I know how to find the column I want, but I'm not sure how my program will
identify the correct column in the result set. It could be any of the rows,
or not even in the result set. If you use this query:

select role.name, user.name from role join user on user.roleid = role.id;

The key column isn't in the result set for either table.

Sqlite parsed my query and as it reads the results knows the row it's
reading from for each column.
I want that data so I can go back and edit the data I presented to the users.
I don't think what I want is available from sqlite now.

I can get a query column's name, size, type, and value, but I can't
tell if it's an index column or what column(s) were used to select
that column.

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