Hi All,

I am currently evaluating whether to move from bsddb to sqlite for our application’s data file format. Our application would provide file access like excel handles it, the first process to open the file gets full r/w, any other process that tries to open the file will either get read-only or no access at all.

Sqlite seems to have most of the things I’m looking for especially a repetition of being more robust, having less instances of corruption beyond repair.

I have played with sqlite and so far it seems to satisfy all but a few of my requirements. I’ve searched the mail archives and couldn’t find clear answers. Specifically I’m wondering about (mostly for windows xp and beyond):

1) Sqlite database file access restriction: Is there a built-in or preferred method to block other processes from writing or even accessing a database file when its opened first by another process. I can get this to work by having the first process to open the file issue a BEGIN Exclusion or BEGIN Restricted but there is always a chance, that right after I commit and go to issue another BEGIN, a 2^nd progress can grab and hold the file. I would like for the 2^nd process to see if another process has control of the file and warn/adapt based on that. Definitely NO multiple writers.

2) From the documentation I see time and time again “Stay away from NFS”. Is this the NFS designed by Sun or all Network file systems in general? I would like (1) to be satisfied for files served from the likes of SAMBA.

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