Depending upon your needs an alternative would be to store the numbers list as 
a blob. Then the list can be retrieved as a single select.

Just an idea.


Mike McGonagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello all,
This isn't s question specific to SQLite, so I hope that you don't mind...
but, I am trying to store an ordered lists of numbers of arbitrary length in
a table. I am not really sure what the best method of doing this, but the
way that I have come up with is to create a table with the following:

create table numberlist (

grp integer,
ord integer,
data double


where 'grp' is an id to identify the groups of numbers, 'ord' is the
ordering for the list, and 'data' is the numbers themselves.

To get the list back in the order in which they were stored would be:

select data from numberlist where grp = X order by ord;

Is there something that I am missing for a better implementation? These
lists will be ranging anywhere from 2 numbers to 200 or so...



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