Lothar Scholz
<scholz-qqUfbLNYxjJCkLs28/[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have to write an sqlite syntax highligher for an editor
and at the moment i use the following token BNF syntax.

ident := '_' | letter ( letter | '_' | digit )*

I believe dollar sign is allowed in the middle (as the first character, it denotes a named parameter).

In addition to that, in SQL any string enclosed in double quotes is also an identifier. E.g. these are valid statements:

create table "Hi there!" (a int, b int);
select * from "Hi there!";

Further, SQLite also interprets strings enclosed in square brackets as identifiers (for compatibility with MS Access, I believe):

create table [Hi there!] (a int, b int);
-- quotes and brackets are interchangeable
select * from "Hi there!";

To make matters even more complicated, SQLite allows string literals to be enclosed in double quotes (this is an extension: standard SQL requires string literals to be enclosed in single quotes). When encountering a string in double quotes, SQLite tries to resolve it as an identifier. If it can't, then it treats it as a string literal. E.g.

create table X(a);

select "a", "b" from [X];
-- same as
select X.a, 'b' from X;

Igor Tandetnik

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