Luis Esteban Fajardo Bravo wrote:
Hi! we've using SQLite on our software since about a month ago, and still i have some questions about how does sqlite works at all.

I have the following sourcecode to check if a database is already created, if yes then just open, if not, open it and create the appropiate schema for the database:

if ( sqlite3_open_v2(path,&historydb,SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE,NULL) != SQLITE_OK) {

       // Create the database


       if (sqlite3_open(path,&historydb) == SQLITE_OK) {

           // Now we create the default tables

strcpy(query,"create table parameters (param_id integer primary key, param_name text(100));create table data_values (timestamp integer(4), value real, param_id integer(2));");

           rc = sqlite3_exec(historydb,query,process_query,NULL,&errmsg);

           if (rc == SQLITE_OK) {

               strcpy(query,"pragma default_cache_size=40;");



           if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {

               // An error ocurred during database creation

              printf("SQL Error: ",errmsg);


               return 0;


       } else {

           // Unable to create database

              return 0;



This works fine under linux, and in windows if i run it onto gdb, but not if i call my object code from the command prompt, my question is if there's a better solution for check if the database is already created, something like a "describe" SQL Command (in oracle) that help to know if the schema is already there on the database?

Thank you!

You can use an "access" call to see if the file exists. If you open it to test for existence you can do a "magic" test and look for the first few bytes being "SQLite" to authenticate it as an Sqlite DB.

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