Hi Sam,

Brainstorming your suggestion a bit, rather than allowing triggers to
function across databases (which is understandably not practical given
the architecture), perhaps there could be a way to define a "partition"
within a database (similar to creating a folder on a drive). Borrowing
from Oracle, maybe this could be called a "Schema", and a "create
schema" command could be used to create it. Queries referencing a table
in a different schema must preface the table name with the schema name -
e.g., "SELECT * FROM Sam.users".

Just some rainy day ideas..

- Jeff

-----Original Message-----
From: Samuel R. Neff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 10:59 AM
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: RE: [sqlite] Foreign Constraint Triggers Across Attached

I've run into two situations recently where I would have preferred to
write triggers across databases.  Both related to audit tracking of

The first situation is that for every table, I have a corresponding
history table that records the history of every record.  So let's say I

CREATE TABLE Users (UserID, UserName);

then I also have

CREATE TABLE Users_History (UserHistoryID, TransactionID, ChangeType,
UserID, UserName)

and to track transactions I have 

CREATE TABLE Transactions(TransactionID, TrasnactionTS, UserID)

and to track the single active transaction I have

CREATE TABLE ActiveTransaction(TransactionID)

which is always blank except when in the middle of a transaction (which
always starts with inserting a record to that table, and then deleting
it right before commit).

So I have triggers on the Users table that whenever a record is
inserted, updated, or deleted, the corresponding new values for
insert/update and old values for delete are inserted into the history
table.  The triggers look like this:


        SELECT RAISE(ABORT, 'Can not update database when no transaction
is active.  Create a new transaction in the Transactions table and
create an associated record in the ActiveTransaction table.')
        WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ActiveTransaction) = 0;
        INSERT INTO 
                Users_History (
                        UserID, UserName
                        (SELECT MIN(TransactionID) FROM
                        NEW.UserID, NEW.UserName

Due to the restriction that triggers cannot span databases, I have my
main data tables, history tables, and the ActiveTransaction table all in
the same database.  I'd really rather the history tables be in a
separate database because they can grow quite large and when I ask a
customer to e-mail me their database, I'd like them to be able to easily
e-mail the main data only without the extra history info.

Also, it would be much cleaner if the ActiveTransaction table was in
TEMP instead of in MAIN so each connection clearly has it's own table
(except where now they share the same table definition, just the data is
never shared due to convention of being populated only within a

I hope these examples are helpful.  I would like to see the ability to
create a trigger that spans database some day and would expect that the
trigger could be defined and simply would error out if at runtime the
required database was not present.



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-----Original Message-----
From: D. Richard Hipp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 6:56 AM
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Foreign Constraint Triggers Across Attached

Triggers between two separate databases are not allowed since if
you DETACH one of the databases, the triggers obviously will no
longer work.  If two separate databases are so inseparably bound
that they need triggers between them, why not just make them a
single database?

The same goes for foreign key constraints.  There are *severe*
implementation difficulties trying to get this to work across
separate database.  If you have a foreign key in a separate
database, that really argues that the two databases ought to
be one.

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