
I succeed in the compilation of SQLite under FreeBSD 5.4.

This is the French documentation I wrote:

I hope you will find some clues to help you

Best Regards
Frédéric de la Goublaye

On Jan 28, 2008 5:25 PM, Rob Sciuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Jan 2008, L. S. wrote:
> >
> > Why doesn't SQLite 3.5.4 compile under FreeBSD 5.3? Can it be done in a sane
> > manner?
> AFAIK, it just works, but you may require the -lc_r  option to include the
> re-entrant (threadsafe) C library with your linked executeable ...
> >
> > How can I link against SQLite under FreeBSD 5.3, using gcc?
> > Is there any way that I could just link the source files into my code?
> >
> > * Using "./configure" and "make" with "sqlite-3.5.4.tar.gz", I got tcl and
> > tcsh errors.
> > * Using "sqlite-source-3_5_4.zip", with "tclsqlite.c" removed, I got pthread
> > errors. They went away with "gcc ... -lpthread", but compilation still
> > failed.
> > * I think "sqlite-amalgamation-3_5_4.zip" produced the same errors as
> > sqlite-source-.
> >
> > I have compiled, installed, linked, and used it on other systems, but cannot
> > do the same on my FreeBSD system. (I don't use the FreeBSD ports; I like to
> > just download and build.)
> >
> Moi aussi, but I have *NEVER* had a problem with SQLite on FreeBSD,
> including 3.5.4 ... Of course I *ALWAYS* install Tcl/Tk first, and am
> happy to use the tclsqlite bindings which result ...
> Again, when you link your C code to the libSqlite.so, just add the -lc_r
> option, and you can delete the -lpthreads unless you are actually using
> pthreads, in which case you will likely need both -lpthreads *AND* -lc_r
> or surprises may result.
> Apparently, the -lc_r requirement is new with 3.5.4, and my query on this
> list has been met with silence thus far, so I cannot advise you further.
> Apparently the db engine has been re-worked somewhat (extensively) with
> this release, and I suspect that changes eminate from that code, but I
> haven't had time to investigate ...
> HTH,
> Rob Sciuk
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