> Honestly, the last time I did a WinCE compile was before the amalgamation, so 
> I did not realize it had become so easy to compile for WinCE.  Guess I'll be 
> needing to make a new build when I get home tonight :)
> From: "Fin Springs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Here's a link to an WinCE port: http://sqlite-wince.sourceforge.net/
>> Is there a reason to use this port any more? The straight 3.5.6
>> amalgamation compiles and runs fine for me on Windows CE 5.0 and
>> includes specific '#if OS_WINCE' sections for CE (to define localtime,
>> etc).

We use it in production on Palm and WinCE/PocketPC/Windows Mobile (and 
have for more than a year now).  We started off porting it ourselves, 
which is now trivial given improvements in the 3.4 and 3.5 os_* layer.  
The public WinCE port was initially quite poor, but it builds mostly 
without modification now straight from the SQLite trunk. 

Bruce Alderson

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