> I am not privy to the inner workings of Nokia cellphones, but I
> believe any non-SQLite databases they are using do not understand
> SQL.  The other products might still be a database, but they are
> not an *SQL* database.


Perhaps the title of the page should be changed to "Most Widely Deployed 
SQL Database" to reflect this distinction, and you might want to 
rephrase the "and possibly all other database engines combined" in the 
first sentence.

I have no doubt that SQLite is very widely deployed, perhaps it is 
already the most widely deployed database (unqualified), and I think it 
is almost certain that it will become the most widely deployed database 
at some some point in time (if it isn't already).

That said, I agree with Toby that you must be careful about your 
assumptions and arguments when making such claims.

Dennis Cote

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