On 2/28/08, John Elrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've poked around the SQLite website and found nothing really definitive
>  so I am asking here.
>  At one point, the FTS3 extension was listed on the download page,
>  however, it is not any longer.  Based on a few Google hits, I attempted
>  an experiment to see if it was included in the amalgamation.  The
>  following line produces an error

The FTS3 extension source is in the source tree, be it amalgamation or
individual files. You have to, however, set the ENABLE_FTS3 flag
during compilation to get the capability. See my notes on the wiki on
how to do that.


>  create virtual table foo using fts3(content, id primary key)
>  Error finalizing prepared statement 1: SQL error or missing database.
>  So, can I assume that I am missing something?  Since FTS3 received some
>  major coverage for a while, perhaps a very visible link to whatever has
>  happened or needs be done would be in order?
>  John Elrick
>  Fenestra Technologies
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