Raviv Shasha wrote:
> Can I run the PRAGMA command without using sqlite3_exec command?

Well, yes you could use the prepared statement APIs, but generally 
sqlite3_exec() is somewhat easier for statemnts you don't need to repeat 
(like and insert).

> According to the sqlite documentation the PRAGMA vacuum commands are the
> following :
> For query -> PRAGMA auto_vacuum;
> For Set -> PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0 | none | 1 | full | 2 | incremental;
> While querying PRAGMA vacuum command, where the retrieved result is
> stored? 
> Do I need to define a variable or special structure for this?

The query form of the pragma commands behave like SQL select statements. 
This query is conceptually equivalent to:

    select auto_vacuum from pragmas;

Your syntax is correct. Just make sure you do it before you create any 
tables in the database, as noted in the documentation.

> Therefore, auto-vacuuming must be turned on
> before any tables are created. It is not possible to enable or
> disable auto-vacuum after a table has been created.

Dennis Cote
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