Why do you think a BLOB stores text more efficiently?  Do you compress it?

He Shiming wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know if there is some workaround to use group_concat on 
> binary columns.
> For performance consideration, I need to query two tables and accomplish 
> data retrieval in a single SELECT. There is this BLOB column, originally 
> designed as BLOB rather than text so that the storage is efficient. So can I 
> use group_concat to join binary columns? I don't know if the implementation 
> actually treats the output column as a string, or it will determine the 
> actual length, in which case, it might be possible.
> What choices do I have? Is it a good idea to add another column that 
> contains the encoded text representation of the BLOB?
> Thanks in advance,
> He Shiming 
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