> Can you give an example of the output?  For example, do you want to
> know the difference between A0001 and A0002 or between to records with
> the same code?

20080314100030 A0001 (9min 30sec to next status change)
20080314101000 A0002 (7min to next status change)
20080314101700 A0000 (3min to next status change)
20080314102000 A0002 (1min to next status change)
20080314102100 A0000

Expected output: (The total time within that status)
A0000 300 (3min)
A0001 930 (9min 30sec)
A0002 800 (7min + 1min)

One problem is sadly that the date/time is stored as text, and this will 
make the calculations even more difficult. 

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