On 3/18/08, Joanne Pham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All
>  I ran the following statement:
>  select datetime(startTime *60, 'unixepoch','-8 hours') , bytesIn from 
> wanPerfTable where appId = 30 and remoteWXId = 200;
>  and below is my output.
>  2007-12-03 11:00:00      20
>   2007-12-03 11:01:00      5
>  2007-12-03 11:02:00      100
>  2007-12-03 11:03:00     50
>  2007-12-03 11:58:00     50
>  I would like to return only the number of minutes as below
>  0 20
>  1 5
>  2 100
>  3 50
>  58 25
>  So would you please help

select strftime('%M', datetime(startTime *60, 'unixepoch','-8 hours'));

you do know that all the datetime options are documented at

>  Thanks,
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