I've got an AIR app that does simple inserts into a SQLite db. The 
insert looks like so:

var insStmt:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
insStmt.sqlConnection = dbconnection;
sql = "insert into hours(description,projectidfk,clientidfk,hours,date) 
insStmt.parameters[":description"] = descriptionfield.text;
insStmt.parameters[":projectidfk"] = projectfield.selectedItem.id;
insStmt.parameters[":clientidfk"] = projectfield.selectedItem.clientid;

insStmt.parameters[":hours"] = hoursworkedfield.value;
insStmt.parameters[":date"] = dateworkedfield.selectedDate;

trace('desc is '+descriptionfield.text);
insStmt.text = sql;
insStmt.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, refreshHandler);

Notice I'm using bound parameters for all my values. The description 
field is a text box. When I enter text with line breaks in it, the db 
only gets line one of description.

Any ideas why? A string is a string even if it has line breaks in it - 

Raymond Camden, Owner of Camden Media, Inc.

Blog     : www.coldfusionjedi.com
AOL IM   : cfjedimaster

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda
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