From: Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> No, that's not true. A sub-query is like any other query. I have 
> rearranged the query to make it more readable.
>      select types.Track,types.URL
>      from ALBUM
>      inner join (select * from MUSIC where Artist_Id =?) as types
>          on ALBUM.AlbumId=types.Album_Id
>      order by ALBUM.YomiAlbumName;
> In this case the sub-query is returning the subset of the Music table by 
> the specified artist. This result table is given the name "types", and 
> it is joined to the album table.

I didn't know this was possible -- my trusty "learn SQL in 10 minutes" has 
failed me. But it makes sense from your explanation.  Thanks.

In most cases like this, I've 'hidden' the join inside a view so the syntax is 
clean.  But, I expect moving the filtering before the join is much more 
efficient, no?
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