Hi All,
I used sqlite3_prepare_v2(pDb,stmt,-1,&pReadStmt,0)
for preparing the statement and used sqlite3_step(pReadStmt); to get each row.
my stmt is :
    select remoteId, bytesIn from compressTable
then it worked ok

but if my statement has the attach database then it didn't work because the 
sqlite3_prepare_v2 has problem.
  attach database 'CommonDB' as CDB;  select remoteId, bytesIn from 
compressTable where remoteId in (select remoteId from CDB.remoteWXTable where 
remoteType=1); detach database CDB;

So the question is how attach the database before the select. What I should do 
in this case to make it work with the attach database statement.
Thank in advance,

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