Thanks for all the suggestions.  My schema is now a lot cleaner, and my 
application runs 30% faster!

Richard Klein wrote:
>> Jeff Gibson wrote:
>>> One thing your earlier suggestion brought up.  The way I was hooking up 
>>> tables before was something along the lines of:
>>> CREATE TABLE primary(id1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, <primary_fields>);
>>> CREATE TABLE secondary(id2 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, <secondary_fields>);
>>> My understanding of your suggestion is:
>>> <primary_fields>);
>>> CREATE TABLE secondary(id2 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, <secondary_fields>);
>>> with the understanding that id2 in primary will often be NULL.  Are 
>>> there any circumstances where the first alternative is more 
>>> appropriate?  I'm pretty new to databases, but I got my original idea 
>>> from a few schemas that I've seen.  I'm just trying to understand the 
>>> trade-offs.
>>>     Thanks a lot for your help,
>>>     Jeff
>> These different forms of linking the records are used for different 
>> types of relations. The two tables can have records that are related in 
>> a various combinations of one or many to one or many.
>>      one to one
>>      many to one
>>      one to many
>>      many to many
>> Using a third table is required to implement a many to many relation. 
>> Each record in the third table stores one item of the relation (i.e 
>> which record in the first table is related to which record in the second 
>> table).
>> A one to many relation is created by assigning an id to the record in 
>> the one side of the relation and referencing that id in a column on the 
>> many side of the relation. A many to one relation is the same a one to 
>> many relation, with the order of the tables reversed. This is what you 
>> have shown as Richard's suggestion.
>> A one to one relation can be created by assigning an id to one record 
>> and using that same id as the primary key on the related record.
>> For your case, you need a one to one relation between the primary and 
>> secondary tables. This can be done by using the same id for the related 
>> record in the secondary table as was assigned to the record in the 
>> primary table.
>> CREATE TABLE primary(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, <primary_fields>);
>> CREATE TABLE secondary(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, <secondary_fields>);
>> insert into primary values(null, <primary fields>);
>> insert into secondary values(last_insert_rowid(), <secondary fields>);
>> When you want to retrieve the records you can use a join
>> select * from primary join secondary using(id);
>> or you can use a second select to retrieve the secondary fields using 
>> the id obtained from the primary field.
>> select * from primary;
>> if (has_secondary())
>>      select * from secondary where id =;
>> This does not waste any space storing unnecessary null fields. You 
>> should only resort the more complex foreign keys when you need to 
>> represent a more complex relation.
>> HTH
>> Dennis Cote
> As Dennis points out, I had assumed that the relationship between the
> primary and secondary tables was many-to-one, i.e. that several entries
> in the primary table could refer to the same entry in the secondary
> table.
> If that is not the case -- if the relationship is in fact one-to-one --
> then Dennis's solution is the best one.
> I would use Dennis's two-SELECT approach rather than the join if speed
> is an issue.
> - Richard
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