I need to create a huge database (about 6 GB, more than 6 mio records, blobs, 
and FTS text) in as little time as possible. Since memory is the key to speed, 
I try to use as much memory as is available. However, there is the danger of 
running out of memory. This is where memory usage control comes into play. I 
can see there are two options:

* OPTION 1: PRAGMA cache_size = 10000000;

Advantage: SQLite will use ample memory, but no more than that.

Disadvantage: Difficulty to establish exact memory requirements in advance. The 
help states that "Each page uses about 1.5K of memory.", but I found this to be 
wrong. Memory usage obviously depends on the page size, and my measurement 
shows that there is an additional small overhead of undocumented size. Is there 
a formula to calculate the required memory for a cache_size of x?

* OPTION 2: sqlite3_soft_heap_limit(max_mem_bytes);

Advantage: Memory limit can be set to a known value (amount of free memory as 
returned from the OS).

Disadvantage: My tests indicate that SQLite slows down drastically when it hits 
the memory limit. Inserts drop from a few hundred per second to just one or two 
per sec.

* OPTION 3: Catch out-of-memory errors and reduce cache_size accordingly 
(untested scenario).

Advantage: Use memory up to the least bits available.

Disadvantage: How to avoid data loss after the out-of-memory error. Can I just 
call sqlite3_release_memory(some_bytes) and sqlite3_step again and again until 
it passes without the out-of-memory error?

This raises a few questions:

* Do sqlite3_soft_heap_limit(), or "PRAGMA cache_size=x;", or both establish 
SQLite's upper memory limit? Do they work independently of each other, i.e. 
does the lower limit always kick in first?

* Does "PRAGMA cache_size=some_smaller_value;" cause SQLite to free used pages 
and release their memory straight away?

* Is there another runtime -- important! -- setting to establish a maximum 
memory limit, possibly undocumented?

In the end this boils down to a simple problem:

* Wow to keep SQLite's memory usage as close to, but not exceeding the memory 
available to applications?

I will be very grateful for any suggestion!

Many thanks,


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