I am forwarding this to the list in the hope that someone else will have 
a good idea since the OP, toms, is having trouble posting himself.

Dennis Cote

toms wrote:
>  ok here is the code I use for the statements:
> here is the SQL:
>     "UPDATE Statistics_Players"
>     " SET "
>     " iMVP = ?,"
>     " Inflicted_iPasses = ?,"
>     " Inflicted_iInterceptions = ?,"
>     " Inflicted_iCatches = ?,"
>     " Inflicted_iTouchdowns = ?,"
>     " Inflicted_iKO = ?,"
>     " Inflicted_iCasualties = ?,"
>     " Inflicted_iDead = ?"
>     " WHERE idPlayer_Listing=?"
> I init the statement like this (where _szSQL is the previous string)
>         const     char*    szTail = 0;
>         int rc = sqlite3_prepare(m_pDB->GetSqliteDB(), _szSQL, 
> StrLen(_szSQL), &m_pStatement, &szTail);
>         if( rc != SQLITE_OK )
>         {
>             SDK_ASSERTMSG(0, "Query Init error: %s\n", 
> sqlite3_errmsg(m_pDB->GetSqliteDB()));
>             return;
>         }
> then, when I want to use the query, I retrieve it (it is kept in a wrapper 
> CQuery class), and then bind every params:
>     CQueryPlayersWriteStats* pQuery = GetDB()->GetQueryPlayersWriteStats();
>     pQuery->Bind(CQueryPlayersWriteStats::Params::PLAYERID      , 
> (u32)GetID()                       );
>     pQuery->Bind(CQueryPlayersWriteStats::Params::MVP           , 
> (u32)statsPlayer.m_uMVP            );
>     pQuery->Bind(CQueryPlayersWriteStats::Params::PASSES        , 
> (u32)statsPlayer.m_uNbAccuratePass );
>     pQuery->Bind(CQueryPlayersWriteStats::Params::INTERCEPTIONS , 
> (u32)statsPlayer.m_uNbInterception );
>     pQuery->Bind(CQueryPlayersWriteStats::Params::CATCHES       , 
> (u32)statsPlayer.m_uNbReception    );
>     pQuery->Bind(CQueryPlayersWriteStats::Params::TD            , 
> (u32)statsPlayer.m_uNbTouchDown    );
>     pQuery->Bind(CQueryPlayersWriteStats::Params::KO            , 
> (u32)statsPlayer.m_uNbKo           );
>     pQuery->Bind(CQueryPlayersWriteStats::Params::CASUALTIES    , 
> (u32)statsPlayer.m_uNbCasualties   );
>     pQuery->Bind(CQueryPlayersWriteStats::Params::DEAD          , 
> (u32)statsPlayer.m_uNbDeath        );
>     pQuery->SingleExec();
> where each CQueryPlayersWriteStats::Params is an enum value between 1 and 8
> And here is the code of the bind method:
>     void CQuery::Bind(u32 _uParam, s32 _iValue)
>     {
>         int rc = sqlite3_bind_int(m_pStatement, (int)_uParam, _iValue);
>         if( rc != SQLITE_OK )
>         {
>             SDK_ASSERTMSG(0, "Query Bind error: %s\n", 
> sqlite3_errmsg(m_pDB->GetSqliteDB()));
>             return;
>         }
>     }
> And I have many versions of the bond method:
>     void            Bind            (u32 _uParam, s32 _iValue);
>     void            Bind            (u32 _uParam, u32 _uValue);
>     void            Bind            (u32 _uParam, f32 _fValue);
>     void            Bind            (u32 _uParam, const char* _szValue);
> And after the bond, I only call the Step once:
>     void CQuery::SingleExec()
>     {
>         Reset();
>         int rc = sqlite3_step(m_pStatement);
>         if (rc == SQLITE_ROW)
>         {
>             SDK_WARNING(0, "Seems like a query would be more appropriate");
>             return;
>         }
>         if (rc != SQLITE_DONE)
>         {
>             SDK_WARNING(0, "Could not execute SingleExec!");
>             return;
>         }
>         Reset();
>     }
> The class CQueryPlayersWriteStats inheritates from CQuery
> The only doubt I have is about calling Reset twice in the SingleExec method. 
> It was more secure for me to do this.
> Any idea?

That isn't necessary. You should reset either before or after (I would 
suggest before), but I doubt that is the cause of the slowdown either.

> As I still cannot send on the mailling list, please feel free to forward this 
> on it if you want :)
> Thanks for the help! :-)
> Dennis Cote a écrit :
>> toms wrote:
>>> this is not easily doable: the database is on a server, in order to change 
>>> fields I have to change it on the server :/
>> I don't need to see the database itself, only the code that accesses the 
>> database through SQLite. I thought you were concerned about leaking info 
>> about the database by disclosing table and field names etc.
>>> yes: I only prepare it once, and then use this prepared statement to bind 
>>> parameters.
>>> Then step, but only once (because it is an UPDATE) and then reset
>>> Maybe the gain is not so much when not used in a SELECT?
>> That should not be the case. The sqlite3_prepare() call does the SQL 
>> language parsing and VDBE code generation for the query once. The VDBE code 
>> is then executed multiple times.
>> When using sqlite3_exec() the string containing the query is parsed, and 
>> VDBE code is generated and then executed for each call.
>> It doesn't really matter what type of a statement is being executed. The 
>> benefit is amortizing one parsing and code generation time over the the 300 
>> calls instead of incurring that same cost for each execution.
>> I am suspicious about the way you are handling the reset and binding calls.
>> Dennis Cote
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