
I was reading the document 'http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=FtsUsage' 
  and I was wondering whether there is a way to count the number of  
times a word is present in text indexed with FTS 3.

For example:
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE recipe USING fts3(name, instructions);
INSERT INTO recipe VALUES ( 'coffee cake', 'Bake in oven for 30  
minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Turn  
pan over onto a serving platter to remove. Serve by pulling apart  
chunks with forks' );

Is there some way to count the times the word 'oven' appears in the  
text? Where I'm trying to get at: to retrieve all rows where 'oven' is  
more often referenced. This would allow me to build a"relevance" list,  
for example.
Thanks in advance,

-- Tito
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