On Jun 25, 2008, at 12:12 PM, Wilson, Ron P wrote:

> Why should the second query return zero rows?  Clearly ids 1 and 2  
> don't
> exist in b.

The meaning of "NULL" in SQL is overloaded.  In some contexts NULL  
means "anything" or "unknown".  In other contexts it means "nothing".   
If we assume NULL means "nothing" then your statement above is  
correct.  But if we assume NULL means "anything" or "unknown" then we  
don't know if the right-hand side (RHS) of the NOT IN contains a 1 or  
2 because it contains a NULL which is a placeholder for an unknown  
value which might be a 1 or a 2 - we just don't know.

If I understand Peter correctly, he is saying that NULL should mean  
"unknown" in the context of the RHS of a NOT IN operator.  SQLite does  
not currently operate this way.  SQLite currently interprets a NULL in  
the RHS of a NOT IN operator to mean "nothing".

D. Richard Hipp

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