Doug Porter wrote:
Is there a way to get a list of connections that are opened on a
particular SQLite database file?

Our software uses SQLite to save our data and we want to warn a user
who opens a file that is already opened by another user. I tried a
homebrewed approach (keep a table of open connections manually), but
ran into a couple places where that won't work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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The database connection object is handled by the SQLite database engine and stored in memory allocated by the database engine. SQLite does not use a client-server architecture but is completely contained in a library that you link with your application, thus SQLite's functions run within your application process and the database connection objects exist on a per-process basis. Your question seems to suggest that your users might run multiple instances of your application, potentially on separate machines. If that holds true, there is no way to get a list of connections from SQLite since those connection objects belong to separate processes potentially on separate machines. You will have to use an IPC mechanism of your choice to handle communication between instances of your app.
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