kriscbe wrote:
thanks for eplay mihai

i am asking is there any function to check the database is opened or not
opened? in a single thread?

thanks kris
No, there is no such function because
- you already know whether it's opened or not because you must store the database connection handle obtained from the sqlite3_open* family of functions - for example, initialize that variable to NULL before opening the connection and after closing it, so your question becomes a simple check against NULL on that variable - it makes no sense to have such a function - the database connection handle "belongs" to your application, not to the SQLite engine (that's why you have to pass the handle as the first parameter to almost every SQLite function)

If you're asking whether there is a function to check whether the *file* which hosts the database structure and data is open or not, that depends on the operating system you are using, and the answer should be available in the operating system API documentation.
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