Mitchell Vincent wrote:
> SELECT customer_id FROM customers WHERE cust_balance != (select
> coalesce(sum(balance_due), 0) FROM invoice WHERE status='Active' AND
> invoice.customer_id = customers.customer_id)
> The above query is used to determine if any stored balances are out of
> date. It works very well but is *really* slow when the customer and
> invoice tables get into the thousands of rows. Is there a better way
> to accomplish the same thing, or some combination of indexes I can
> create to help speed that query up? Currently indexes are on the
> customer_id columns of both tables as well as the cust_balance field
> in customers.

The index on cust_balance does no good for this query, sqlite must do a 
complete table scan of the customer table anyway.

You could speed up the sub-select somewhat by replacing the index on 
invoice.customer_id with a compound index on invoice.customer_id and 

Dennis Cote
sqlite-users mailing list

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