On Sep 19, 2008, at 5:47 PM, Russ Leighton wrote:

> Observation 1:  Group by (in my case) is faster w/out using the index
> than with using the index by 10X
> In my app I have a table-
>  create table foo(k1integer ,k2 integer,k3 integer,...);
>  create index foo_idx on foo(k1,k2,k3);
> when I do-
>  select k1,k2,sum() as s,count(1) as c from foo group by k1,k2;
> The query is 10X slower with the above index created as when I drop
> the index and don't use it. Bug or
> just happens to be the case for some data distribution this is just
> the way it is? Yes, I know I  have
> a 3 column index and only using 2 for this query.

I do not see how it is possible for what you say to be true - unless  
you have omitted important details of your query, such as a WHERE  

What is the argument to sum(), btw?  You should get an error, I think.

D. Richard Hipp

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