Instead of doing julianday('now') why not put a text-based timestamp
into whatever object you're queueing up and pass that into the
julianday() function to convert it to a real.

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 9:51 AM, P Kishor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/22/08, jason weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> "jason weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  >> However, due to database locking issues, I need to do a bunch of
>>  >> inserts in one transaction or batch.  Thus, I store them in a simple
>>  >> queue.  Therefore, the julianday('now') won't work because all of my
>>  >> batch inserts will have the same date and time.  And that doesn't
>>  >> work very well. ;)
>> >From: "Igor Tandetnik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >You will have to deal with this in any case. E.g. on Windows the system
>>  >timer resolution is 15ms by default. You can insert quite a few records
>>  >in 15 ms.
>>  >It is unrealistic to expect that every record could be inserted with a
>>  >unique timestamp. Find some other way to ensure uniqueness (e.g. just
>>  >assign a sequential number to each).
>> Thanks for your response.  However, my batch inserts and the uniqueness of
>>  my timestamps aren't the issue.  I guess I didn't explain my situation well
>>  enough.  Let me try again.
>>  I take readings every X seconds which gives me plenty of uniqueness for each
>>  reading.  I save the SQL statements and then insert them in small batches.
>>  However, from reading this newsgroup I've learned that the correct way to
>>  put dates into SQLite is as I described before:
>>  - create table my_table(date_stuff real);
>> - insert into my_table values(julianday('now'));
>> In my batch loop, I can't use julianday("now") - I need the timestamp
>>  to reflect when I took the reading.
>>  If the right way to put datetime in the dbase is the julianday('now')
>>  format, I need to be able to create and capture that format in python.
>>  What is the julianday("now") equivalent in python?  I can't find a simple,
>>  straight-forward answer to this question.
> I have no idea what the julianday("now") equivalent in Python is, but
> why not let SQLite do the work? Here is how I would do it with Perl...
> (mix of pseudo-code and Perl ahead)
> # prepare statement
> $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{
>  INSERT INTO table (somecol, timestamp)
>  VALUES (?, julianday("now"))
> });
> open transaction...
> # loop through your readings
> $sth->execute($somecol);
> end transaction...
> $dbh->commit;
> or throw error...
> The above works for me.
> Keep in mind though... Igor's caveat about not having enough
> resolution for timing might apply. So, you might have to use some kind
> of high resolution timer. CPAN has one us Perl aficionados...
> conveniently, it is called Time::HiRes
> <>
> I am sure you have one for your Python world as well. If you decide to
> use something like that, then you will have to modify your code
> accordingly.
>>  Thank you,
>>  Chris
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> Puneet Kishor
> Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
> Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
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