On Sep 22, 2008, at 10:53 AM, Jeffrey Becker wrote:

>   I think the policy other dbms
> systems have of making these things hints rather than requirements is
> a good one because it still allows the query optimizer to make the
> best choice when the hints its given become incorrect.

If you want the query optimizer to make the choice, omit the INDEX BY  
clause all together.  If you include an INDEX BY clause, that is  
saying that you the programmer know better than the optimizer and the  
optimizer is not to second-guess you.

In the two high-profile use cases, the programmers already have the  
statement using the "correct" index without an INDEX BY clause.  They  
just want to be alerted if some future schema change alters the index  
choice, perhaps by deleting one of the indexes that were being used.   
If the INDEX BY clause becomes a hint, then this function of the  
clause is removed.  And without the impetus of those two high-profile  
use cases, the functionality will not be added at all.  So, I am  
offering this choice:  (1) The ability to select and index with an  
error if that index won't work and (2) no new capabilities at all.

> I'd prefer to
> see some sort of programmatic method of doing this.  The method I'd
> find ideal would be to have some sort of sqlite_suggest_* api which
> would allow a user to apply hints to an already prepared statement.

The indices are already chosen by the time the sqlite3_stmt is  
constructed.  It is too late to offer hints after the fact.

>  I
> forget if sqlite_stmt keeps a copy of the sql so I may well be
> suggesting the impossible here.  The api would reinforce the
> non-standard nature of the action while keeping the sql dialect free
> of non-standard sql.

D. Richard Hipp

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