Looks to me like you've forgotten the biggest performance factor of all ...
starting a transaction before you begin the loop and committing it

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gavin Kistner
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 9:45 PM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: [sqlite] Crazy performance difference between Mac and Windows

(Right off the bat, let me say that I'm not sure if the problem here  
is Sequel, sqlite3-ruby, or
sqlite. Just in case...)

I have a Ruby script to migrate data from an old sqlite DB to a new  
schema. It's quite simple, selecting rows from db 1 and creating  
records in db 2. (A rough representation of the script is at the end  
of this post.)

This script transforms a 2MB sqlite DB with about 5,000 rows into a  
1.8MB sqlite DB with about the same number of rows. (A few fields and  
tables get dropped along the way.)

On my mac laptop at home (2.3GHz Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM, 5400 RPM drive)  
this script runs in 22 seconds. In 'better battery life' mode.

On my XP desktop at work (2GHz Dual Pentium, 2GB RAM, 7000 RPM drive)  
this same script on the same DB runs in 11 minutes. 30x slower.

It's the same version of Ruby (1.8.6 p111), same version of sqlite3  
(3.6.2), sqlite3-ruby (1.2.3), and same version of Sequel (2.5.0). I  
know that the One-Click Installer of Ruby I'm using on XP isn't as  
fast as some other builds, but 30x slower seems crazy.

If I turn off DB journaling on SQLite on Windows, I can get it down  
from 11 minutes to 4 minutes. Only
12x slower than the Mac. (But then, the Mac also runs faster without  

The only funky thing that I can point to is that the script uses two  
different ORMs (sqlite3-ruby on db 1 and Sequel on db 2). I don't have  
a really good reason for this, it's just how it happened to have been  
written. If
this slowdown ever becomes a big issue I could try Sequel for both and  
see if that helps in any way.

Mostly I'm sharing this as a curiosity, though I'm quite interested if  
anyone has a suggestion on why
this might be so much slower on a roughly equivalent machine differing  
only in OS.

Here's (roughly) what the script looks like:

   require 'rubygems'
   require 'sqlite3'
   require 'sequel'

   olddb = SQLite3::Database.new( OLD_FILE )
   olddb.results_as_hash = true

   newdb = Sequel.sqlite( NEW_FILE )
   newdb << IO.read( NEW_SCHEMA )

   # Do the following sort of thing for about 10 different tables
   new_table = newdb[ :users ]
   olddb.execute "SELECT * FROM users" do |user|
     new_table << {
       :id        => user['id'].to_i,
       :name      => user['name'],
       :active    => user['active']=='yes',
       :email     => user['email']

(As you might expect, this results in a SELECT from one DB followed by  
N independent un-transactioned INSERTs run on the other DB.)

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