I think that the problem is with your understanding of what the 
.databases command does. I could be mistaken, but I thought is only 
listed attached databases. It is not a command to search for possible 
databases that may exist on your file system.

So when you use the command:

sqlite3 foo.db

This command connects to the file foo.db in the current working 
directory. Here is an example:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work/navteq-tools$ sqlite3 nt2rgeo-sqlite.db
> SQLite version 3.6.0
> Enter ".help" for instructions
> Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
> sqlite> .databases
> seq  name             file
> ---  ---------------  
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> 0    main             /home/woodbri/work/navteq-tools/nt2rgeo-sqlite.db
> sqlite>

If you want to attache other databases to the process you should read 
the SQLite SQL Syntax doc on the web site.


After you have attached more they will show up here.


Ryan Walker wrote:
> Hi Enrique,
> I'm not referring to the syntax.  I know the syntax.  I'm wondering how 
> to connect to a local database with sqlite3.exe.  That is, how do I tell 
> sqlite3.exe where the database file is on my computer?  When I use the 
> .databases command, my database is not listed, so I assume I need to 
> tell sqlite3.exe where it is.
> -Ryan
> Enrique Ramirez wrote:
>> You mean a command like ALTER TABLE? Maybe check the SQL Syntax
>> available to SQLite (http://sqlite.org/lang_altertable.html)
>> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Ryan Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a database file in windows that I want to connect to with
>>> sqlite3.exe so I can add a column to a table.  Not sure how to so it.
>>> There doesn't appear to be any relevant command when I enter .help.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ryan
>>> --
>>> Ryan Walker
>>> www.WebCommunicate.net:
>>> Insights and resources for effective websites.
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