Steven Charest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am a Visual Basic programmer who would like to port the Access Database
> over to SQlite.  Is there any documentation on how to use this database with
> Visual Basic?  I am difficulty finding any documentation on it.

You can use my ADO-like wrapper-classes to 
work against the SQLite-engine.

The toolset-binaries are in the Public Domain
and can be downloaded here (including the source
for many VB6-Demo-Projects):

The project in the subfolder ..\Src_SQLiteDemo\
compares ADO/JET and SQLite-Performance and is
based on the original NWind.mdb, which is converted
(a conversion-class is included) to a NWind.db
automatically on first run (including the Indexes and


Olaf Schmidt

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