ignore this post - found the error of my ways !
*Ben Marchbanks*

www.magazooms.com <http://www.magazooms.com/>
Phone: (864) 284.9918

Ben Marchbanks wrote:
> I am having trouble getting a table description from a SQLite 3.4.2 database
> that was originally created on Linux system using PHP-PDO.
> I migrated this DB to an Adobe AIR 1.1 application where I understand 
> the AIR implement is somehow different.
> I am trying to use the basic call to describe the table.
> select table_name from sqlite_master where type='table' >>  throws ERROR 
> 3115.
> Using the build-in methods from AIR to get table schema also fails. 
> (Same method works fine on DB
> create with AIR)
> _sqlConnection.loadSchema();
> var schemaResult:SQLSchemaResult = _sqlConnection.getSchemaResult();
> var mytableSchema = schemaResult.tables
> trace(mytableSchema) // = "undefined"
> Any ideas on a workaround ?
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