[Apologies for posting this here, but the sqlitejdbc list appears to be 


I'm noticing fairly severe performance difference between running a 
complex query from the sqlite 3.6.7 command line and from within the 
sqlite jdbc driver version 0.54 available at [1].

Sqlite command line:
real    0m44.708s
user    0m5.211s
sys     0m1.994s


I've tried a number of things:

  * I've tried both sqlite 3.6.1 and 3.6.7 (I upgraded the jdbc driver 
to  .7);
  * I've tried with and without the shared_cache option; this has no 
effect for me.
  * I've tried changing the optimization settings for sqlitejdbc to 
match those of the command line tool I build and installed (-O2).
  * Explicitly set the cache size of the

I've done some profiling [2] and the prevalence of 
'sqlite3_enable_shared_cache' in the java version is surprising.  The 
java version also uses significantly less CPU than the command line version.

I've copied and pasted the SQL out of the prepared statement, so I'm 
confident that I'm running the same SQL.  It's a single query, so I 
doubt that JDBC/JNI overhead is to blame.

Any help or ideas would be most appreciated!

Thanks so much,


[1] http://zentus.com/sqlitejdbc/


Profiling with shark on Mac OS X 10.5.6:

    self  total
   0.0%  50.2%   sqlite3_step
   5.5%  48.4%    sqlite3_blob_open
   9.2%  40.0%     sqlite3_randomness
   8.4%  25.1%      sqlite3_enable_shared_cache
   2.1%  16.0%       sqlite3_config
   5.4%  7.6%         sqlite3_malloc
   1.1%  1.2%          sqlite3_config
   0.0%  0.1%           sqlite3_free
   0.1%  0.1%            sqlite3_vfs_unregister
   0.8%  1.0%          sqlite3_mutex_try
   0.1%  0.1%          sqlite3_mutex_leave
   0.2%  3.3%         sqlite3_value_type
   0.9%  2.7%         sqlite3_os_end
   0.2%  0.2%         sqlite3_mutex_try
   0.1%  0.1%         sqlite3_snprintf
   0.3%  0.3%        sqlite3_free
   0.2%  0.2%        sqlite3_malloc
   0.1%  0.1%        sqlite3_snprintf

command line:
   self total
   0.0%  64.1% sqlite3_exec
   0.0%  64.0%  sqlite3_step
   8.6%  63.3%   sqlite3Step
   0.3%  21.0%    sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto
   6.0%  20.6%     sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked
   0.3%  10.6%      moveToChild
   1.0%  10.2%       getAndInitPage
   0.5%  5.1%          sqlite3PcacheFetch
   3.0%  4.5%           pcache1Fetch
   0.6%  0.9%            pthreadMutexEnter
   0.2%  0.2%         dyld_stub_pthread_self
   0.1%  0.1%         dyld_stub_pthread_mutex_lock
   0.2%  0.2%            pcache1PinPage
   0.2%  0.2%            sqlite3_mutex_leave
   0.1%  0.1%            sqlite3_mutex_enter
   0.1%  0.1%            pthreadMutexLeave
   0.1%  0.1%        dyld_stub_pthread_mutex_unlock
   0.1%  0.1%           pthreadMutexLeave
   0.0%  3.3%          sqlite3BtreeGetPage
   0.3%  0.3%          btreePageFromDbPage
   0.0%  0.2%          pagerPagecount
   0.1%  0.1%          sqlite3BtreeInitPage
   0.1%  0.1%          sqlite3PagerGetData
   0.1%  0.1%          sqlite3PagerGetExtra
   0.1%  0.1%         btreePageFromDbPage
   0.1%  0.1%         sqlite3PcacheFetch
   0.3%  2.0%        moveToRoot
   1.9%  1.9%        sqlite3GetVarint
   0.1%  0.1%        sqlite3Get4byte
   0.1%  0.1%        sqlite3PagerUnref
   0.1%  0.1%       sqlite3GetVarint
   0.1%  0.1%       sqlite3Get4byte
   1.5%  15.1%    sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked

Christopher Mason   Proteome Software    (503) 244-6027
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