inZania <> wrote:
> The situation is this: there is a table, "cards", which I am
> searching. Each card has a card_id, name, text, etc.  There is also a
> table "card_tags" which has only the rows "card_id" and "tag",
> because a single card may have several tags.  The query I'm trying to
> execute is attempting to search the card's name, text, OR any of its
> tags for a specific search string.
> Here's the query I've constructed that is operating slowly:
> SELECT DISTINCT cards.* FROM cards LEFT JOIN card_tags ON
> cards.card_id=card_tags.card_id WHERE ( LIKE '%query%' OR
> cards.text LIKE '%query%' OR card_tags.tag LIKE '%query%')

Try this:

select * from cards where card_id in (
    select card_id from cards
    where name LIKE '%query%' OR text LIKE '%query%'
union all
    select card_id from card_tags where tag LIKE '%query%'

Igor Tandetnik 

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