Hi All,
I have the folowing table which has the following data for example:
    remoteId     hostName        lastUpdateTime ....
    1                        host1                199999
    2                       host1                111111
    3                        host2                222222
    4                        host3                333333
    5                        host4                499999
    6                        host4                444444
So if I ran this statement below:
    select * from table group by hostName having count(*) > 1;
I got the following rows:
    2 host1 111111
   6 host4  444444

But I want the rows which have bigger lastUpdateTime if hostName has duplicate 
So I want to return:

  1 host1 199999 
  2 host4  499999

Would like to have sql statement to return the rows above.

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