On Mar 17, 2009, at 7:30 PM, Ken wrote:

> This is off topic, but since sqlite list has such savvy folks I  
> thought I'd try here.
> Does anyone know of an embedded http server that can serve and/or  
> create pages from a sqlite database?

Such a server is built into the "fossil" configuration management  
system.  See


for additional information on fossil.  You can copy C source code from  
there.  With fossil you can type:

     fossil ui

and it will launch an embedded web server and an instance of your web  
browser pointing at that server.  All the content comes out of a  
fossil repository, which is really just an SQLite database.  It works  
on unix or windows.  (FWIW, getting this to work right on windows was  
probably the single most challenging coding problem in fossil.)

The SQLite website is implemented using a profoundly simple HTTP  
server that runs off of inetd.  The complete source code is contained  
in a single file of C code that is available on-line at:


Documentation on how to operation this HTTP server is contained in  
comments at the beginning of the code.  (It is not hard.)

D. Richard Hipp

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