> You may also try this:
> http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=SampleCode
> I did use exclusive transactions there but you may change
> accordingly and try to fit better in your scenario.
> If that still doesn't do the job you may post the results here again.

Thank you, I've picked up your idea and wrote wrapper classes with
looping for prepare/steps commands (which showed that I missed a couple
of places where looping was potentially needed), but that still didn't
solve the original problem.

If I'm inside a BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION and then I issue another
BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION on the same database file, but from a
different thread - the second one returns a 5, which is what I expect,
but do I need to do anything else to clear things up? It seems that this
causes SQLite to enter an endless loop where neither of those
transactions ends (or my code/looping is causing this).


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